Advice, News & Information on Reducing Waste in our Area

Reducing your waste footprint

In summary it’s a complicated issue, but try to avoid having waste in the first place as best you can, then please recycle everything else.


REFUSE - Try to buy products that do not come with excess packaging.

REUSE - Reuse packaging for a secondary purpose around your home or garden

GARDEN COMPOSTABLE - eg Waitrose’s corn starch bags on their vegetable counters.

COMPOSTABLE - Careful with the meaning of this word, some items are only compostable in an industrial composter and, even then, some might not be fully digested.

BIODEGRADABLE - This one is dodgy because everything is biodegradable eventually, even a wooden house, but biodegrading can take anything from weeks to thousands of years. This label is one to be suspicious of!

RECYCLABLE - Just because it is recyclable doesn’t mean everyone will or that it’s being done in the most sustainable fashion. Better to look for products that are recycled rather than recyclable. Not everything that is recycled is turned back into the item it once was, high grade paper becomes low grade paper which becomes cardboard which becomes rubbish… this is called ‘downcycling’ and whilst it is better than nothing please value true recycling over this where you can.

SINGLE-USE - Non-recyclable typically ‘thin film plastic’ such as the plastic films on ready meals or thin plastic bags. Obviously try to avoid these as best you can although for plastic waste, the weight is the important thing. A very lightweight plastic film may be an acceptable compromise to avoid food waste or a much heavier plastic alternative.

Some assorted hints and tips on reducing waste in our area [1.5MB]