Roads, Roadworks & Traffic

Temporary introduction of 20mph Speed Limit on part of B3018

Limpley Stoke and Monkton Combe

22nd July until 31st October 2024

Chevron Traffic Management will be carrying out speed restriction for the Geo-Tech scheme on behalf of National Highways.

The restriction begins outside the Sports Pavilion on the B3108 for a distance of approximately 290m in a north westerly direction.

The speed restrictions will be clearly indicated by traffic signs.

This speed limit restrictions will come into operation on 22 July 2024 and will be required until 31 October 2024.

Issues with our roads

Where to report a complaint

Do you have a concern about our local roads and lanes?

If so, please contact Wiltshire Council directly at

An additional or alternative website for reporting problems is

Long Term Plans & Initiatives

As a parish council we know that the roads, pedestrian safety and traffic in general has long been a priority issue for many residents, we therefore have five themes to our consideration of this issue and work to address these is ongoing:

  1. Pedestrian Protection & Safety

  2. Traffic Management & Safety

  3. Parking in the Village

  4. Road & Pavement Maintenance

  5. Main Roads & Wider Area Issues (through the Valley Parishes Alliance VPA)