Responding to the Climate Emergency
What we have done so far:
We have written a Climate Emergency Policy (see policy documents below).
In November 2020 we, as the Parish Council, declared a Climate & Ecological Emergency to demonstrate our commitment to tackling the problem, and to support Wiltshire County Council (WCC) & the government in reducing carbon emissions by 2030.
From February 2020 we had a programme of monthly talks at The Inn on topics including: Air-source heat pumps / retro fitting, Ash-Dieback & Tree Planting, The Importance of Insects in Our Gardens, Local Solutions to Reverse Ecological Decline, WCC Recycling, Solar Panels.... Sadly, the pandemic meant we had to curtail our meetings but once it is over, we hope to resume.
We had a 100 strong WhatsApp group sharing their tips on issues such as how to avoid single-use plastic or best Green Energy Companies.
We have advertised the Green Homes Grant.
We have the Traffic Management Plan aimed at reducing traffic & we have purchased a pollution counter to measure air borne pollution throughout the village.
Lighting - we have been talking to WCC about their plans for low carbon lighting & reducing light pollution.
We have set up a subcommittee of people who wish to contribute ideas on how to prevent the crisis escalating. Our first meeting is by Zoom on Monday 4th January. If you would like to help with projects please contact
We have published monthly articles relating to environment in the parish magazine and the newsletter.
Future plans for the village include:
Electric Charging Stations
Promotion of public transport, cycle ways, walking & car sharing.
Sustainable shopping initiatives.
Reducing traffic on our lanes.
What we have done so far:
As a Council we have declared an Ecological Emergency in response to the escalating threat to wildlife and ecosystems. The declaration recognises the essential role nature plays in enriching our wellbeing and our economy. We have a duty to protect our wildlife and habitats, enabling residents and visitors to benefit form a green, nature-rich environment
We are actioning our Park Management Plan (see policy documents below) to ensure King George V Park is carefully maintained to provide a vital green space for our leisure activities whilst enhancing the established wildlife habitat
Created a community built Bug Hotel in the park to benefit lots of different types of insects such as ladybirds, bees, spiders and woodlice. The bug hotel provides a safe space to shelter, lay their eggs, raise their young, and seek refuge from predators.
Planted 35 x mixed native hedgerow whips to increase food and shelter for birds and insects over the long term
Future plans for the village include:
Continued tree planting and preservation
Draw attention to the effects of lighting on night creatures such as bats, moths and owls.
Avoid the use of chemicals / pesticides on our verges and in our gardens
Nature Chain
The Parish Council are supporting Nature Chain
NATURE CHAIN is a local action group set up to encourage the neighbourhoods of Limpley Stoke, Freshford and beyond, to create more wildlife habitat in our village gardens and local landscape.
Our insect, bird and small mammal numbers are in decline. To flourish they need water, food, cover and a healthy, species rich, environment where they can raise their young.
Our gardens, and the way we garden, can provide an important boost to local wildlife recovery.
By gardening in wildlife friendly way our local patches of gardens can be connected together in mosaic of habitat, that sustains our wildlife for everyone’s enjoyment.
Nature Chain will be providing tips, resources and talks detailing how to create more -
Shelter (space to breed)
for wildlife in your garden, as well as how to garden in a healthier and more sustainable way. Once you are participating in the scheme, gardening to encourage wildlife, you will be able to display a NATURE CHAIN disc on your gate.
Freshford and Limpley Stoke Home Energy Group
As a result of the declaration of a climate and ecological emergency by Freshford and Limpley Stoke Parish Councils, a Home Energy Group has recently been formed to look at ways of reducing the carbon footprint of local homes, and reduce energy costs.
For further details about FLHEG and useful information on how to increase the energy efficiency of your home, please click on the link below:
We want to do more.
If you have any suggestions as to what else we could do, please contact us with your ideas. Thank you.